Gert Buelens


Gert Buelens

English Studies
Department of Literature
Ghent University
Blandijnberg 2

9000 Ghent




Gert Buelens is Professor of English at Ghent University. He has edited Deferring a Dream: Sub-Versions of the American Columbiad (with Ernst Rudin, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1994), Enacting History in Henry James (Cambridge: CUP, 1997), and The Catastrophic Imperative: Subjectivity, Time and Memory in Contemporary Thought (with Dominiek Hoens and Sigi Jottkandt, London: Palgrave, 2009), and written Henry James: Style, Ethics and History (Brussels: Center for American Studies, 1996) and Henry James and the "Aliens": In Possession of the American Scene (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2002; American Studies Network Book Prize). He is the author of some 60 essays in collections and journals, the latter including American Studies in Scandinavia, Henry James Review, Modern Philology, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, PMLA, Textual Practice and Diacritics. Editorial boards: Canadian Review of American Studies, Comparative American Studies, Henry James E-Joumal, Henry James Review, E- REA, The Cambridge Henry James, for which he is currently preparing (with Susan Griffin) the scholarly edition of Confidence, The Europeans, and Washington Square. Gert Buelens is a past president (2005) of the Henry James Society and the vice-president of the Belgian Luxembourg American Studies Association. He is the book reviews editor of The Henry James Review and the chief editor of Authorship.